Pourable Coil Plaster Mortar

Pourable Coil Plaster Mortar

This mortar is used for protecting coils. When applied around the coils, it shields them from high temperatures and physical impacts.

  • The amount of water used during application should be optimally adjusted to ensure the best performance based on the material properties.

Application Area

  • This material, which can be cast to cover the coil and its gaps, is an essential component of the induction furnace.

Chemical & Physical Properties (Typical)

Particle Size 0-2 mm
Binder Type Ceramic
Bulk Density Range 1,75 - 1,95 g/cm³

Chemical Analysis Range (Typical)

Al₂O₃ Min % 94
MgO Max % 0,20
SiO₂ Max % 0,20
CaO Max % 4
Fe₂O₃ Max % 0,1

Packaging Details

Package Weight 25 kg
Number and Weight of Packages per Pallet 40 pieces - Net 1000 kg
Stock Holding Time 1 year
Storage Conditions It should be stored in a dry environment